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The Power of SSAS Pensions for Property Investors

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As a property professional, you’re always on the lookout for effective ways to maximise your returns while minimising costs and taxes. Enter the SSAS pension – a game-changer in the property investment world. A Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) is a company pension designed for small to medium-sized businesses.

View Full Article: The Power of SSAS Pensions for Property Investors


Ed Miliband: Landlords must meet EPC C targets by 2030

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Landlords could face bans on renting out their property if they do not meet EPC C targets by 2030, claims the NRLA.

Ed Miliband, energy security and net zero secretary, told the House of Commons that landlords must meet energy efficiency targets by 2030 but gave no further detail on how this will be achieved.

View Full Article: Ed Miliband: Landlords must meet EPC C targets by 2030


Industry expert urges letting agents to champion the Renters’ Rights Bill

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Since letting agents have crucial knowledge about the private rented sector (PRS), they must push for its improvement and support the proposed Renters’ Rights Bill.

That’s the view of Neil Cobbold, PayProp’s commercial director, and he says agents must engage with MPs to achieve this.

View Full Article: Industry expert urges letting agents to champion the Renters’ Rights Bill


Post-Election Property Price Predictions: What to Expect in the Market

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In this insightful episode, Ranjan Bhattacharya analyses the potential impact of the recent election on property prices. How will the new political landscape affect the real estate market?

Join Ranjan as he breaks down expert predictions, discusses key factors influencing the market

View Full Article: Post-Election Property Price Predictions: What to Expect in the Market


Great tenant for 12 years but I need to sell?

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Hi, My wife and I are keen to sell our final rental property. We are now fully retired, aged 78 & 66, and wish to sell so we can recover the cash to cover our retirement plans.

Our tenant has been in the house since we bought it around 12 years ago.  

View Full Article: Great tenant for 12 years but I need to sell?


Investing in a garage – ideas and tips?

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Hi everyone, My siblings and I have made a decision to invest in a garage and are currently saving up for our first investment. Does anyone know the areas where there is high demand?

Given the importance of location

View Full Article: Investing in a garage – ideas and tips?


Half of renters are living in cold, damp homes – Citizens Advice

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Nearly half of private renters in England are enduring freezing, damp or mouldy homes, Citizens Advice has warned.

And, the charity claims, half of these tenants have endured these conditions for over a year.

It also says there has been a surge in eviction cases and it is helping nearly 100 people every day who are facing Section 21 ‘no-fault’

View Full Article: Half of renters are living in cold, damp homes – Citizens Advice


Possession order granted but we now need to sell the property?

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We had a possession order granted (warranty applied for this week) finally after a year-long battle with a section 8 for rent arrears amounting to over £14,000. A money order has been granted too.

The trouble is we are so behind on all of the letting agent fees as well as having to pay out all the solicitors fees we desperately need to sell the property.

View Full Article: Possession order granted but we now need to sell the property?


Freeholder has not provided full EC coverage?

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Hi, What right does a landlord have when the freeholder of a block of flats has failed to include ‘accommodation cover if flat becomes uninhabitable’?

I am the long leaseholder of a flat in a block of 37 flats and the freeholder has omitted this coverage.

View Full Article: Freeholder has not provided full EC coverage?


Changes to a lease?

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Hi, I am the freeholder of a Victorian conversion of 3 flats and I own and live in one of them, on the ground floor. The flat above me has just been sold in auction.

Over 20 years ago somebody put up a partition wall and made the bedroom into two bedrooms

View Full Article: Changes to a lease?




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