Browsing all articles from November, 2018

Landlord Alliance pressure makes the media

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The Big Issue has picked up on the campaign to boycott Shelter supporting businesses in their article “Landlords are boycotting companies that support homelessness charity Shelter” Click here.

The tone of this Big Issue article was quite interesting as it gave plenty of copy space for reporting on Dr Rosalind Beck’s justification for the call to boycott B&Q and was not an aggressively one sided anti-landlord attack.

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Freezer Shares and IHT planning for incorporated landlords

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Chances are you expect the net value of your companies rental properties to appreciate before you die.

This increase in net value will eventually be taxed at 40% by the Government in the form of Inheritance Tax. For example

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Fake agents scamming landlords and tenants

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I am a private landlord and have always managed my property and tenants’ needs. I have always been a good and fair landlord.

In September I advertised my 3 bedroom flat on flatshare website. I was advertising the property to be let as a whole with a single 1 year AST ( joint tenancy for 3 sharers).

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That’s what Ken Loach called for 10 years ago, because Shelter’s CEO Adam Sampson wanted employees to do unpaid overtime to win a government contract. What, you thought Shelter was a charity that housed the homeless? That stopped 40 years ago!

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Introductory Tenancies for PRS (not just for social landlords)

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Why isn’t Shelter campaigning against the law that allows local authorities and housing associations to use “Introductory Tenancies”, which give tenants even less certainty of a home than an AST with any private landlord?

Housing Act 1996 –

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Some of the best BTL lenders post BICT incorporation

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Landlords who incorporated their rental property business using the BICT structure did so in order to retain their competitive mortgages terms and avoid or defer the costs of refinancing. However, it is almost inevitable that refinancing will need to be considered at some point for the following reasons:-

  • Exiting mortgage term coming to an end
  • A desire to lock into the certainty of fixed rates
  • Capital raising to repay Directors/Shareholders loans
  • Raising deposits towards the funding of further properties
  • Advantageous affordability criteria for Limited company lending due to Section 24 and PRA lending rules affecting personal BTL borrowing

State Bank of India is offering a rate of 3.59% fixed for five years.

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Is Shelter liable for criminal activities?

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Is Shelter somehow liable for the criminal activities activities it encourages? If Shelter encourage and facilitate tenants staying in properties without paying rent (and those sorts of activities), are they not encouraging criminal behavior? Are they not then accomplices and can be held accountable?

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Would you Buy to Let without viewing?

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I have been thinking of investing my money in Manchester, but I don’t fancy traveling all the way there.

My question to you all would be: Have you ever purchased a Buy to Let (or any type of property) without physically going to see it in person?

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Use of Section 21 evictions in the PRS – Debate

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On 6 December 2018, there will be a Westminster Hall debate on the Use of section 21 evictions in the private rented sector. The debate is scheduled to start at 1.30pm and the Member sponsoring this debate is Karen Buck MP.

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Security of tenure in the PRS is not a cause of increasing homelessness

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“It is the introduction in 2008 of the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) as a means of calculating Housing Benefit payments, and subsequent changes to LHA rates, that is driving the increase in homelessness from the private rented sector.”

Research commissioned by the RLA into the causes of homelessness in the PRS has been carried out by the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University.

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