Browsing all articles from November, 2018

1.14% BTL 2 year discounted but with a 3 year sting in the tail

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The Leeds Building Society has launched 2 new headline catching Buy to Let mortgages that are both two year discounted rates priced to reflect the maximum Loan to Value:

1.14% two year discounted variable followed by 3 years SVR minus 1% currently = 4.99% with a £2499 product fee.

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Form 17, Declaration of Trust and 60 days?

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We recently purchased a property with a declaration of trust drawn up to split the ownership and therefore the profit 90/10 in my wife’s favour.

Question is, does the Form 17 need to be completed within 60 days of the Declaration of Trust being signed or the Form 17 itself.

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‘Bastard Landlords’ but what about bad tenants?

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Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth wants to rephrase the words ‘ Rogue Landlords’, to the words ‘Bastards Landlords’, as Rogue sounds to soft and cuddly.

In my eyes the words should be rephrased to ‘Criminal Landlords’, as they can make tenants lives horrendous

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A viable alternative to the PRS?

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If/when a viable alternative to the PRS exists landlords will be forced to reduce rents, sit on empty properties or sell up. Meanwhile, piling on more legislation only serves to discourage private investment, the consequences of which are felt most by the people who are not in a position to buy their own home

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Planning expert to give view on 4 year rule please

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Hi there. Was wondering if there are any planning experts/lawyers on here who could give me a 2nd opinion please. I have a property which is divided into self contained studios, but I can find no evidence of planning permission.

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Kitchen fire doors for two storey HMO’s and LHA requirements?

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There appears to be a conflict relating to the need for a kitchen fire door in two storey HMO’s. The Lacors Housing Fire Safety Guide, click here to download, and The Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006 Schedule 3 Article 3 (ix) click here to download.

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Planning and builder estimate charge rip off?

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I was recently considering extension of my BTL with possibility of a 5 room HMO or 4 bedroom Family home.

Searched online and registered with to get some quotes and soon architects and planers started contacted me.

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Landlords come together about Universal Credit

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We Caridon Landlord Solutions are working with the Department for Work and Pensions on a campaign to reach out to both Social and Private Rental Sector landlords to provide information about Universal Credit that will help them support their tenants.

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5 months average – Could ‘Housing Court’ speed this up?

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Private landlords have to wait an average of over five months to regain possession of a property when applying to the courts according to new figures from the Ministry of Justice.

Where a landlord needs to regain possession urgently because of tenants’ anti-social behaviour and the tenant refuses to leave

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“Bastard Landlords” – Rogue too cuddly!

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Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth Conservative Peer and Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government), was speaking in the 2nd reading in the House of Lords on Friday the 23rd of November.

He would seem to have used very inciting and populist language that while directed at criminal landlords certainly does not help stop or ease the landlord community being generally vilified by politicians

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