
Partnership Match Making For Landlords

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Are you looking for another landlord to form a partnership for tax planning purposes?

We regularly speak to landlords who would be far better off from a tax perspective by incorporating their business. However, they are single, have less than 10 properties and don’t know who to go into partnership with. Therefore, HMRC do not recognise them as a business for the purpose of claiming incorporation relief to roll capital gains into shares at the point of incorporation and they do not qualify for the special treatment afforded to partnership when they incorporate either.

Naturally, one of the first things we ask them is whether they have any close friends or relatives who are in a similar position.

Unfortunately, many do not!

However, if two or more landlords form a business partnership and run their property portfolio as a business they may well qualify for both incorporation relief and the special SDLT treatment for partnerships after an initial three year period.

This makes me think there must be a business opportunity for matchmaking. When I mentioned this idea to our Hon. Legal Counsel he jokingly suggested “Tinder-For Landlords”.

This got me thinking, how big is this opportunity and how could Property118 go about facilitating such an introduction service?

That’s about as far as we have got with the concept so far so we are looking for ideas.

If you have any suggestions please post them in the comments section below.

Similarly, if you are a landlord looking for a partner, please feel free to use the comments section to tell other Property118 members a bit about yourself and if anybody responds showing an interest we will do our best to introduce you to each other.

Thanks in advance.

All the best

Mark Alexander – founder of Property118 and “The Landlords Union”

PS – also see the related article links to the top right 

Show Tax Consultation Booking Form

Tax Consultation Booking Form

Consultations include new client compliance checks, fact find via email with complimentary software, expert analysis, a detailed written report and recommendations and a 30 minute Q&A session via Skype or telephone.

  • Please provide an overview of your circumstances and what you are looking to achieve.
  • If you have a spreadsheet with details of your properties please upload it here.
  • Price: £ 400.00

  • £ 0.00

  • American Express




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