
Oh The Irony Of It All

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When one of our established members compared the functionality of the new Property118 website to that of The Guardian yesterday I must admit to being flattered.

Naturally, The Guardian was held up as being the better of the two in terms of functionality, and much as I disagree with much of their content, I have to agree that their website functionality is better than ours. But so it should be. They have a champagne budget to play with (Krug Grand Cru at that), whereas we are operating with a comparatively Tesco Value Lemonade budget, R Whites at best.

And there lays the irony, they are a left wing Newspaper group bordering on socialistic journalism whereas Property118 is run by for the benefit of capitalistic rental property business owners.

Our mission is to facilitate the sharing of best practice. For this reason alone, we must do all that we can to improve commenting functionality. Last year the Property118 website served over 5 million unique user sessions. If just 1% of those visitors had contributed to discussions by sharing their knowledge, just imagine how much more useful information they would have added to the Property118 shared knowledge bank.

The discussion ended in our established member offering the following ‘wish-list’ in regards to Property118 commenting functionality.

“I click on the ‘Reply’ link for the message that I want to comment on

If I am not logged in I am offered a popup dialog in order to be able to do so.

If I am logged in a popup dialog appears that invites me to enter my comment text

I enter my comment text

I click on ‘POST COMMENT’

The web site reloads the page with my new comment in context (i.e. attached to the message that I was commenting to but offset slightly (to the right) to make it clear that it is a response rather than a new message and aligns the view window so that I am presented with the page I was looking at when I made the decision to comment in the exact same pixel perfect place that it was before subject only to my additional comment.”

As you maybe aware, Property118 is only a small operation, just a team of four at the moment. We outsource our website development to an amazing company in Norwich called Accent Design, whose passion for what they do for the money we pay them is off-the scale! Nevertheless, our budget to develop the Property118 forum comes entirely from donations and whatever money we can spare from our own funds.

If you like the suggestions above in regards to commenting, please help us to make that a reality sooner rather than later by clicking on the button below.



Thank you for your support

  • Note that if you donate £50 or more you are entitled to have a badge on your member profile showing that you are a sponsor of The GOOD Landlords Campaign.

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The post Oh The Irony Of It All appeared first on Property118.

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