
Latest off-plan development opportunity in Nottingham

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PIP is delighted to present our investors with this amazing opportunity to invest in Nottingham. This early-bird, off plan investment opportunity is ideally positioned close to the city centre of Nottingham and is made up of luxury one-bed apartments. We have managed to secure our clients the best units for the fantastic price of £104,995, 

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New online system for landlords to receive direct payments from UC tenants

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Since 3rd October 2018, working alongside The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Caridon Landlord Solutions has been piloting a new online system to allow rent payments, from tenants in receipt of Universal Credit, to be paid directly to Private Rented Sector (PRS) landlords. 

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Land for the Many but Rentals for the Few

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The Land for the Many report for the Labour Party was released on 4 June. Click here

George Monbiot was the editor and there were six other authors.  One of them, Beth Stratford,  wrote an article about it in CityMetric.

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Consumers more optimistic about their finances going forward…

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Consumer Confidence:

Household confidence levels about their personal finances is
in more positive territory, that’s according to the latest GfK consumer
confidence index. Given that Brexit uncertainty continues to weigh on consumer confidence,
this data provides consolation for landlords, in that tenants’ rent paying
ability remains stable.

The international consulting and forecasting organisation, Growth
from Knowledge (GfK), produces a regular consumer confidence index which shows
a rise from -13 to -10 in when the results to May were published.  This shows the first index figure rise since February,
but though this is a hopeful sign, the index is still stuck in negative
territory, as it has been since 2016.

Consumer sentiment, as GfK says, is a critical barometer of
economic output as around 66% (two-thirds) of GDP depends on consumer spending.
Britain is a service based economy, so when consumer confidence levels trend downwards,
this considerably dampens the Britain’s overall economic demand, having a
negative impact on economic growth.

Joe Staton, Client Strategy Director at GfK, has said:

“Consumer confidence has held steady this month [May 2019] at
minus -13, despite political chaos and ensuing uncertainty as we try to find
our rightful place within Europe. Against a backdrop of stable inflation and a
robust labour market, where wages continue to grow more quickly than prices,
confidence has remained negative but fairly stable since the Referendum.

“However, while UK consumers report a small increase in
optimism for their personal financial situation for the coming year, the index
is being dragged down by our nagging fears for the general economy. Things
might change when people feel the current crisis has passed but what sort of
resolution can consumers reasonably contemplate just now? Or are consumers
rightly sensing a bumpier economic climate for post-Brexit Britain?�

The GFK consumer confidence index is commissioned by the
European (EU) Commission and is considered to be a key economic indicator; it
is also respected and monitored closely by the Bank of England.

When households are feeling less pessimistic across almost
all categories, as this latest survey indicates, people on balance feel that
Britain’s economic fortunes will improve in the coming year, a conclusion which
is five points higher than the previous month’s result.

That consumers are adjusting to the Brexit deadlock situation,
responding positively to higher wages and low unemployment has also been
acknowledged by the Centre for Economics and Business Research. Its own consumer
confidence index for May, hit a year-long high.

Business confidence, on the other hand, has been going in
the other direction, with Lloyds Banking Group’s monthly business barometer
showing overall business confidence falling for the first time over the last 3

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