Browsing all articles from April, 2017

Time to get out?

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I’ve been an avid reader of Property 118 for a few years now and I’m frequently amazed at the wealth of information freely shared by its contributors. Long may it continue. One question which surfaces from time to time asks “when do you start to enjoy what you’ve built up?”  This usually refers to landlords… Read more

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Glide Revolutionises Broadband Offering

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Broadband Service: Revolutionary broadband product provides innovative way to connect with tenants and protect against rent arrears. Following the successful launch of Risk Free Bills Inclusive last year, specialist student utilities and service provider, Glide, today launches an exclusive new broadband product, fully loaded with Browzer. This bespoke platform provides an innovative solution to engage […]


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Busting The Great Myth of House Price Growth

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Have you ever wondered how it is that each decade or so seems to have reported house price growth exceeding all our other economic  numbers? Doesn’t seem right somehow does it ?. If that were really the case, then by now houses just wouldn’t be within the reach of maybe 95% of the population and… Read more

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Get your hands on your FREE copy of the UK’s leading magazine for active property people!

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Did you know that 55% of UK landlords own only one investment property? So many start with the intentions of building a portfolio – they start to ascend the learning curve, but never get the advantages of using those initial learnings again and again to build an ever expanding property portfolio. Warren Buffett is often… Read more

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Landlords going for cheaper properties

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Investment Strategy: New figures from Mortgages for Business show that in Quarter One 2017 landlords, presumably in response to tax changes, are opting for cheaper property purchases and consequently smaller mortgages. There’s also a trend towards buying more non-standard buy to lets in the form of more complex property purchases*. That’s according to the latest […]


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Focusing Minds In Local Government

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Next week we will be sending the following to all UK Councils.  Freedom of Information Request To Whom It May Concern We are attempting to quantify the impact on homelessness over the next 5 years in the [merge in name of Council] area. A survey carried out in November 2016 by Property118 (The Landlords Union)… Read more

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RLA to support new UK Housing Evidence Centre

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A new national housing research centre is being funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF). The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) will be independent from government, and is a collaboration between nine UK Universities and four non-HEI organisations […]

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Concerns over Right to Rent checks in Wales

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Right to Rent checks are currently in place across England following a trial period in 2015, however the rollout to Wales and Scotland is proving to be trickier than first anticipated. The checks face a number of obstacles before they can be implemented here in Wales as the Welsh Government has passed a series of […]

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Welfare Reform Impact

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Those who claim Universal Credit will apparently see a vital change to the “taper rate” which came into force on the 11th April 2017, the claimant’s UC award will be reduced by 63p for every £1 of net earning in excess of their work allowance, as opposed to by 65p for every £1.  Please follow… Read more

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Councils question multi-occupation conversions

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When new government regulations come into force later this year, councils will be able, instead of a long wait to get rogue landlords court, to issue fixed penalty notices of up to £30,000 for failing to comply with improvement and overcrowding notices, as well as apply banning orders. The Local Government Association (LGA) is now […]


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