Browsing all articles from April, 2017

RLA welcomes New Review of the PRS

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Private Rented Sector Review: The RLA is welcoming the new ‘Rugg Review’ into the state of the PRS announced yesterday by the Nationwide Foundation, a charity that says it aims to improve the lives of people in need. The last Rugg Review was published in 2008 but since then the private rented sector has almost […]


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Landlord Events Calendar – ESSENTIAL PARTICIPATION

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This Landlord Events Calendar is intended to unite the Private Rented Sector. We have made it FREE for all landlord event organisers to promote their events. Alerts enable landlords to be be informed of new events in their area. Users can search by maps, by date or a list of events in date order. The Events Calendar… Read more

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The RLA and Lincoln Council Work Together to Recognise Trusted Landlords

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Following a crackdown on rogue landlords last year, City of Lincoln Council has launched a Trusted Landlord Scheme. The scheme aims to advise and support landlords to provide good quality, well managed private rented accommodation. It will encourage tenants to choose safe, good quality housing and increase tenants’ confidence in the management of their accommodation. […]

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Tax Advice Negligence – Can I Sue My Accountant?

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My wife and I jointly own a portfolio of 42 properties.  We recently sought advice on incorporation from an independent tax adviser who, interestingly, referred us to Property118 and suggested we look into BICT to avoid refinancing. I have to admit to being instantly hooked. Our reasons for considering incorporation are:- We want to start… Read more

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New Family Building Society Offset BTL designed to mitigate section 24

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The new Buy to Let Offset mortgage has been designed by the Family Building Society to help reduce the impact of Section 24 tax changes for private residential landlords. Any money held a linked savings account with the Society will reduce the balance for which loan interest is calculated on the mortgage by the same… Read more

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Liverpool keep issuing the licence to my bank?

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Can I ask has anyone else had this with this pathetic Council !! I have been getting my properties Licensed with Liverpool City Council and they keep issuing the License to the bank instead of me for some reason. Every time they issue me with a licence I have to email them telling them that… Read more

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Short-term letting in Southwark

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According to Giles Peaker in his Nearly Legal Blog, Southwark council have decided that their Right-to-Buy leases should contain covenants that would prevent Airbnb type short-term letting of the whole property, and will be writing to their leaseholders to tell them this. The covenants that Southwark are apparently relying on are “not to use or […]


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Gateshead Propose Further Selective Licensing

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Gateshead Council have announced two Selective Licensing consultations, both which will close on the 11th June 2017. The first scheme is the proposed introduction of selective licensing in the The Avenues area of Shipcote, and the second is a re-designation of selective licensing in Central Bensham. The Housing Act 2004 gives councils the power to introduce the […]

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Recovering Possession

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Commercial: Repossession / opposing a new tenancy on the basis of own use – advice provided by Gaenor Thomas, Associate Solicitor, Commercial Property at law firm Hart Brown Unless a lease has been contracted out of the security of tenure provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, the Landlord can only oppose a new […]


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Once in a lifetime opportunity

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Wednesday 26th April 2017 is going to be the biggest date this year for portfolio landlords who are looking to restructure their businesses for optimal efficiency. I will be making the trip from Malta to London for one night only in order to co-present an exclusive evening with Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold… Read more

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