Browsing all articles from July, 2016

RLA backs charity app Gone for Good

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RLA members are being encouraged to donate unwanted items to good causes through new smartphone app Gone for Good.
The app matches businesses and individuals with charities in their postcode, who actively want to receive particular items and will collect them for free.
View Full Article: RLA backs charity app Gone for Good


New Housing Minister Critic of Licensing

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Gavin Barwell the new Housing and Planning Minister appointed by new Prime Minister Theresa May is said to be a critic of landlord licensing schemes, which will be music to the ears of landlord up and down the country. Mr Barwell, MP for Croydon Central has said he is “keen to work with landlords, councils, […]


View Full Article: New Housing Minister Critic of Licensing


Last chance to make your voice heard!

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We have recently launched our first quarterly survey on the Tax and Finance issues affecting the private rented sector. We are delighted to announce that we have had over 2,500 landlords who have made their voice heard and shared their experiences. The more landlords that help the greater the confidence there is in our survey […]
View Full Article: Last chance to make your voice heard!


RLA President calls for PRS policy change

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The new Chancellor Philip Hammond should “change the Government’s attitude to the Private Rented Sector (PRS) to prevent the UK housing crisis spiralling out of control”, that’s the call from Alan Ward, Chairman of the Residential Landlords Association, following the Government minister’s reshuffle. According to the RLA, George Osborne has been imposing “punitive tax rises” […]


View Full Article: RLA President calls for PRS policy change


RLA acts on Council Data Breach

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RLA protecting landlords over Council error On Friday 22nd July, it was brought to our attention that Reigate and Banstead Borough Council had released thousands of landlords details into the public domain as part of a Freedom Of Information (FOI) request. The FOI request asked the council for details on landlords so an individual could […]
View Full Article: RLA acts on Council Data Breach


Landlords should not panic following Brexit

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Landlords have no reason to panic following Britain’s decision to exit the European Union, that’s according to the National Landlords Association (NLA). Following a referendum in which 52% of the country voted out – to leave the EU for good – the result has been panic in the financial markets as the FTSE was hit […]


View Full Article: Landlords should not panic following Brexit


Taxing Tenants – RLA backs report demanding change

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A damning new report showing how taxing landlords is actually penalising tenants has been welcomed by the Residential Landlords Association.
‘Taxing tenants: how taxes on landlords end up hitting tenants’, published by the Taxpayers’ Alliance, says the Government’s new tax grabs will inevitably force up rents – having a massive impact on the country’s PRS tenants.
View Full Article: Taxing Tenants – RLA backs report demanding change


What version of the 'How to Rent' booklet do you need to serve?

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This post comes from a discussion I had with Tom Entwistle (LandlordZONE® editor) about a question he had been asked regarding the correct version of the How to Rent Booklet that needs to be served on tenants under the new rules. If you remember, under the Deregulation Act 2015, landlords (or their agents) have to serve […]


View Full Article: What version of the 'How to Rent' booklet do you need to serve?


Bank of Mum and Dad gives £1bn a year

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The Bank of Mum and Dad is now subsidising their offspring’s housing renting costs to the tune of £1bn a year, that’s the claim of Shelter, the homelessness charity. Shelter claim their research shows that in the UK some 450,000 adults are being helped out with rent payments by their parents. The findings are from […]


View Full Article: Bank of Mum and Dad gives £1bn a year


Government making it harder for vulnerable to rent PRS homes

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Government policy is making it harder than ever for benefits claimants and the homeless to rent homes, according to a new report based on RLA data.
The Residential Landlords Association has been working with Sheffield Hallam University as part of an investigation into access to the PRS by the homeless and those on benefits.
View Full Article: Government making it harder for vulnerable to rent PRS homes




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