Browsing all articles from May, 2024

Court hearing when using accelerated S21 route?

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Hi, I am currently in process of evicting one of my unpaying tenant using accelerated Section 21 route, I am under the impression that the court does not need a hearing if you don’t claim any unpaid rent.


View Full Article: Court hearing when using accelerated S21 route?


Greater Manchester unveils the UK’s first property checks for tenants

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Greater Manchester is launching property checks to tackle substandard rented housing and to clampdown on criminal landlords.

The Property Check scheme is a UK first and part of a £600,000 package aimed at improving rented housing ‘so it works for people

View Full Article: Greater Manchester unveils the UK’s first property checks for tenants


Tenancy Deposit Protection – 30 calendar days or 30 working days?

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Hi all, I found myself in a difficult situation while trying to evict a tenant during a rolling tenancy. The letting agency collected a deposit from the tenant and transferred it to me and I protected it with the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS).

View Full Article: Tenancy Deposit Protection – 30 calendar days or 30 working days?


Why the UK Remains a Haven for Foreign Property Investors

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The United Kingdom has long held a magnetic pull for international property investors. From the towering skyscrapers of London to the charming terraces of historic towns, the UK offers a plethora of opportunities for those seeking a foothold in a stable and potentially lucrative market.

View Full Article: Why the UK Remains a Haven for Foreign Property Investors


Woman facing eviction told she would cope sleeping rough by local authority?

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Hello, A bit of a half-baked story from the BBC (shock horror!) – see the video below – but you can contact them to make a comment, which I have done and I would urge you to do the same.

View Full Article: Woman facing eviction told she would cope sleeping rough by local authority?


Legal expert warns of looming chaos from the Renters (Reform) Bill

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The impending passing of the Renters (Reform) Bill spells trouble for tenants and landlords, warns a legal expert.

Ian Narbeth, a commercial property lawyer and BTL and HMO landlord, tells Property118 in a video interview that can be seen below that some Tory MPs have “woken up too late” to the damaging effects the Bill will bring.

View Full Article: Legal expert warns of looming chaos from the Renters (Reform) Bill


Half of tenants forced out by landlords selling up – survey

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A landlord sell-off is a major driver of tenant moves after 50% of property professionals said that was the main reason for renters moving home last year, a survey has found.

According to PayProp, this is a growing concern –

View Full Article: Half of tenants forced out by landlords selling up – survey


Deposit return when the married name hasn’t been added?

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Hello, My property was rented to an individual who paid the initial deposit which sits in a holding account. In December last year, we added her new husband to the rental contract and changed contract to new married surname.

We did not amend details on deposit being held.

View Full Article: Deposit return when the married name hasn’t been added?


CGT Question – Can I claim capital costs without receipts?

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I am selling a buy to let property that I did a £100,000 extension on 15 years ago.

Can I claim this as a capital cost on my CGT return even though I no longer have the receipts?

View Full Article: CGT Question – Can I claim capital costs without receipts?


If you’re thinking of selling, here’s how to get the highest price for your properties this year

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We’ve all seen the headlines, from mixed-message articles to advice from experts and landlords, but if now REALLY is the best time to sell, how can we ensure we’re getting the highest amount in the fastest time?

Simply Business recently reported that 1 in 4 landlords are looking to sell this year

View Full Article: If you’re thinking of selling, here’s how to get the highest price for your properties this year




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